Wednesday 11 June 2008

Chanelle: 'I may release an album'

Chanelle Hayes has revealed that she may release an album.

The Big Brother 8 star previously vowed to quit her music career if her debut single 'I Want It' was a flop. The single reached number 63 in the charts.

However, she told DS that she is discussing the possibility of making an LP, saying: "We've been offered an album, so me and my agent are weighing that up at the minute and [deciding] whether we want to do that."

She added: "I've been offered a few other things to do with TV as well, so we're trying to weigh up the pros and cons of each. Even if I did do an album and didn't release it, it would just be nice to do it for myself. I'd definitely think about it. But the offer's there."

> Click here for our full chat with Chanelle

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