Wednesday 11 June 2008

Amy Winehouse - Fielder-civil Changes Trial Pleas To Guilty

AMY WINEHOUSE's husband BLAKE FIELDER-CIVIL has confessed to attacking a London pub landlord and attempting to pervert the course of justice.

The 26-year-old initially denied causing grievous bodily harm to landlord James King, 36, in an incident last July (07). In a bizarre twist, Fielder-Civil was then charged with teaming up with King to try to fix the outcome of that trial - a charge he also pleaded not guilty to.

But on Monday (09Jun08), Judge David Radford - who is presiding over the case - lifted a media ban on the reporting of the guilty pleas of Fielder-Civil and his co-defendants.

Fielder-Civil - who is on remand at the capital's Pentonville Prison - is currently standing trial at Snaresbrook Crown Court in east London.

His co-defendant Michael Brown, 25 has pleaded guilty to a charge of grievous bodily harm, while Brown, Anthony Kelly, 25, and James Kennedy, 19, have all pleaded guilty to perverting the course of justice.

King is also on trial for attempting to pervert the course of justice.

Meanwhile, Radford has now allowed media outlets to report on an allegation that King could have been subjected to intimidation or duress, according to Britain's Sky News website.

The news comes one week after the trial kicked off last Monday (02Jun08).

All five men will be sentenced at a later date.

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